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Star 1-4 

(learning single rotation jumps, starting foundations for axels and double rotation jumps)

  • Classes focus on basic jump position from take-offs to landings, putting a strong emphasis of balance and fundamental concepts of body awareness;

Star 5 – Juvenile

(working on all double rotation jumps, starting foundations for double axels)

  • Establishing air proprioception while building on the fundamentals developed in our Star 1-4 class, a detailed focus on developing a proper in-air position and continuing to push athletes to refine their fine motor skills;


(working on double axel and starting foundations for triple rotation jumps)

  • Classes begin to have an emphasis on axis of rotation to increase speed of rotation and consistency, an emphasis on jump air time while retaining efficiency with jump technique;

Novice – Senior

(working on all triples and refinement)

  • Classes have a focus on creating a strong mindset for consistent training habits to provide consistent results at the higher levels, continuation on jump technique refinement for efficiency and consistency, providing tools to further develop athletes mindsets

Our jump classes focus on the biomechanical fundamentals of jumping technique from single rotation to quadruple rotation elements. More than just jump technique, our classes focus on specific goal setting and mind set going into each class. Our online classes are offered beginning at the Learn-to-Skate to the Senior competitive level. Classes are coached by Andrew Evans and Paul Parkinson and are 45-minutes in duration. 



Types of Classes




Our stretch classes are geared for athletes from Learn-to-Skate to Senior competitive and incorporate different styles of stretching that best fit each athletes needs. Group classes are taught by Laurisa Wyant and are 30 minutes in length. Stretch classes focus on different areas of the body each day to promote deep stretching and the importance of full-body stretching to create a balanced athlete. Recovery stretching is a strong focus point alongside overall body mobility for injury prevention. Our program includes yoga once a week to promote mind-body awareness with breathing exercises and powerful poses.




Our fitness classes are 30 minute High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) workouts that are fast, fun and results driven. Fitness classes emphasize and build plyometric and explosive strength conditioning through innovative circuits designed to push athletes to their full potential. Classes include the development of core stability and cardiovascular conditioning with exercises sure to keep athletes challenging themselves each time. Fitness classes are coached by Alex Sheldrick.



Calendar of Classes

From Learn-to-Skate to Senior level classes we have something for everyone. If you are unsure what level class you should be attending, please inquire with

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